MAIN STREET Kids Ministry

Come join an engaging adventure designed for children to find Jesus and follow him fully.  Main Street provides age appropriate, relevant, and engaging curriculum to make Sunday the best day of your children's week.  They will want to go to church because of the amazing leaders who are waiting to build lifelong relationships with both parents and students.  

As a church we realize that we have only 52 hours max in a year to influence your child.  You as a parent have thousands of hours to impact your child and we want to help you along in that process.  We use the Orange Curriculum which includes Toddler, Pre K, Elementary, and youth curriculum focused on impactful ways we can build relationships with kids while discussing bible virtues and stories.  Our staff also wants to provide you as the parent with follow up for the lessons we deliver which can be found by downloading the Parent Que app to your tablet or mobile device.  

We believe parents are the main influencers of a child's life whether they like it or not, positive or negative....Therefore the church must partner with parents to teach their children to seek out, test, and recognize truth in our world.  We also believe that Jesus fulfills all of those...

Deuteronomy 6:5-7  "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

THe Park:  Nursery (Ages 0-18 months)

During the infant phase of a child's life we hope to nurture them by providing a safe place to grow and have their needs met while parents are freed up to worship with the other adults.  We hope to make their first experience at church comfortable, fun, and filled with Jesus.  We also hope to provide parents with a clear mind that their child is being well cared for during the church service as well as updated on how the infant did while they were at church.  

RED ROCK:  Toddlers (ages 19 months - 3years)

In the Red Rock room children are beginning to become in greater interaction with their surroundings and curious about the world.  Our leaders will provide your toddler with engaging activities to keep them busy, a short worship time, story time, activity time, a snack and  play time. The goal is for our toddlers to feel embraced, knowing they are safe and loved by our leaders as well as Jesus.

The Backyard:  3 - 5 Year olds

In our Preschool environment, "The Backyard"  Students begin to learn the structure of church.  They are embraced by our amazing volunteers as well as engaged by a very structured and relevant worship, story, and craft time.  As 3 to 6 year olds begin asking the dreaded question of "Why?" we want to be available to partner with our parents in the process of growing children who follow Christ.

The Arena:   (1st-5th Grade)

In the arena it is all about engaging students in biblical truths that lead to life applications.  Children have their own church with a live band, lesson, and even small group discussion where they can start building a small Christian community.  Students of this age are influenced at a higher level so we want to make sure we support parents in instilling principles that push students to realize their best life is with Jesus.