ways to Connect with us:

Below are several ways you can connect with us.

  • Connect with us in person

    We'd love to see you on Sunday.  We meet at 9:15 and 11am at 1284 W 75 N, Centerville, UT 84014.  Our goal is to help people find Jesus and follow Him fully, and we'd love to find out where you are at on your spiritual journey and how we can encourage you in your next steps with Jesus.  Click HERE to help us get to know you and learn how we can help you follow Jesus. 

  • Next Steps form

    Have you been attending The Bridge Community for a while?  Are you looking at what the next steps are for you to engage in reaching, teaching, growing, and going through our church community? Click HERE to fill out our "next steps" form and we will work with you to get connected into ministry.

  • Serve others in our Community

    There are many ways you can serve here at The Bridge.  First would be to help out serving in our church community.  To go through our Building the Bridge class and start the process of volunteerism at the bridge go to our next steps form by clicking here. Just check the box that says you want to serve at the Bridge.  

    Another way is to help needs as they arise for people in our church community.  This takes many different abilities.  To help us better know how you can help people in our community,  fill out the Skills Inventory form.  Once you fill it our we will keep you on file as someone to contact for given needs.  Fill out the form by clicking HERE.

  • Prayer

    • To submit a prayer request click here.
    • To join our prayer team fill out the next steps form and pick "serve at the Bridge Community.
  • Join the Meal Train

    To get emailed when there are new meal train opportunities click HERE.

  • JoinOur Facebook Page

    On our Public facebook page you'll find updates on events and activities, as well as live-streamed services and other notifications. You can find our public facebook page HERE.  

    We also have a closed group for those who would call The Bridge Community their home church.  On this site we can share prayer requests and other needed communication.  You can find our group page HERE

  • Church Center App for iphone and ipad

    Click HERE to head to the Apple app store where you can download the free church center app. The church center app is a great way to connect with our church.  Once you've downloaded the app and have selected our church, you'll have all the information you might need about what is going on at your fingertips.  You can register for events, make donations, and check kids in to their classrooms from the app.  The app's homepage also has lots of great connections to other things like our prayer requests link and past sermons.

  • Church Center App for Android

    Click HERE to head to the Google Play app store where you can download the free church center app. The church center app is a great way to connect with our church.  Once you've downloaded the app and have selected our church, you'll have all the information you might need about what is going on at your fingertips.  You can register for events, make donations, and check kids in to their classrooms from the app.  The app's homepage also has lots of great connections to other things like our prayer requests link and past sermons.

  • Estonia Prayer Team

    Click HERE to join our Estonia Mission Prayer Team!