
We hope the Sunday morning worship service helps you grow in your faith and connect with God at a deeper level (you can "listen in" to our Sunday morning teaching by clicking HERE).  We also hope you are challenged to think about your next step toward following Jesus.  When you're ready, we'd like to challenge you to take one of these next steps that will help you rise up in your relationship with Jesus.

  1. Attend our Starting Point Class
  2. Join a Small Group
  3. Serve at church and/or in the community
  4. Take our Roots Course (one-on-one discipleship)           

Starting Point

If you have been attending our church and want more information about us, please attend one of our "Starting Point" classes (held 4-5 times a year right after 2nd service, we will provide lunch.)  This class will introduce you to the TBC staff, the vision of the church, and our strategy to help you find Jesus and follow him fully.  If you have already attended the "Starting Point" class you may fill out the next steps form so we can guide to toward being plugged in at The Bridge Community.

Small Groups

The early church met together in large groups, but the New Testament also shows the church meeting together in homes in smaller groups (Acts 2:46).  Our goal for small groups is to help people find Jesus and follow Him more fully by forming small group connections that help people grow upward in intimacy with God and outward in community.  Our Small groups serve to connect individuals with 8-10 others in a predictable environment that fosters spiritual growth and healthy relationships.  

There are new groups forming.  Click HERE if you are interested in joining a small group.


Roots is our one-on-one discipleship curriculum.  The goal of Roots is to help people find Jesus and follow him fully by immersing individuals in a one-on-one learning environment where they are given training in important practices, core beliefs, and essential wisdom for living.   After walking through the Roots lessons, the believer is equipped to lead others through the discipleship process, thereby living out the Great Commission of making disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), and the Apostle Paul's vision for leadership growth (2 Timothy 2:2).  You can take a look at the first lesson of our Roots course HERE


We challenge those who call The Bridge Community their home church to serve in the community and at church.  We help point people toward service both individually, and as small groups, and we'd love to help you find a place to get involved and serve here at church.  If you'd like to serve at The Bridge Community you can fill out our Next Steps Form. Below are several ways to serve our church community:  


Serving as a Greeter or Usher is a great way to help our church keep its warm and inviting vibe.  If you are an outgoing person, serving as a greeter or usher might be a great fit.  


We hope to continue for The Bridge Community to be a warm and inviting place to connect with God, and our hospitality team serves the church body by creating and maintaining that inviting environment.

Children's Volunteer

There are a variety of ways a person can serve our children here at the Bridge.  From assisting with Check-in, to helping with crafts and classroom management, to teaching a class, there are a variety of ways you can be involved.  Most roles within children's ministry require a background check, and you can let us know how often you are willing to serve. 

Worship and Tech Team

We are blessed to have many talented people that serve our church family with their musical gifts.  We are always open to new gifts being utilized for worship, but even if you don't have a musical gift, you can still serve on the worship/tech team by being willing to be trained to operate our sound board, or to be part of our set up crew.

Moving Forward

First of all, we're glad you've been coming and excited you are ready to take another step forward.  

We'd challenge you see if one of the three ways listed above would be a good "next step" for you.  If you are already connected in those three ways and you are looking for more ways to connect, we'd challenge take a look at the mission work we support and pray about taking on a more active role in supporting our community and our world through those agencies.  

Click HERE if you'd like to  support this church financially.