Below you will find different video based series that you can use for your small groups. All you will have to do download the "Leader guide" (a pdf file attached to each series below) and then show corresponding video posted below.  

We hope these  resources will make it easy for you to plug and play small group with little prep.  This will give you more Time to focus on what matters, building relationships with the people in your group.

If there are any questions or concerns about the material, please contact Ministry Engagement Director, Brent Petersen at brent@thebridgeutah.org.  

Micah in 3d

Below you'll find access to the video component of the Micah in 3D Small Group curriculum.  Click the button below to download a pdf of the small group Bible study leader guide.

Micah in 3D Leader Guide


Starting Strong

An introductory small group study that will help you understand what a small group is, what small groups are for, how you can grow upward in your relationship with Jesus and outward in community with others.  Week 1 will provide you with Small Group Basics. In weeks 2-4 you will explore the ABCs of small groups.  Accountability (showing up), Belonging (joining in), and Care (serving each other and your community). 

Click here to download the Starting Strong: Small Group Discussion Booklet


Hearing Jesus

Jesus spoke to the people he taught in many different ways.  One of these ways was parables.  When teachers of the law, disciples, Pharisees, sinners, or his disciples asked questions he would often go straight into one of these parables. Study through some of the parables Jesus told with your small group and see how these can still apply to our lives today.

Each lesson has a video where Pastor Loren Pankratz guides us through each parable.  View all the videos by clicking below.  Also, a study booklet is available for you group by clicking here