B.O.O.t. Camp - Youth invasion 2025

Welcome to Youth Invasion 2025! 

Youth Invasion is The Bridge Community's annual spring youth conference weekend. We invite youth 6th - 12th grade to join us for an engaging weekend of growth and fun. The dates/times for this event are Friday, March 21st from 5pm - 10pm and Saturday, March 22nd from 8am - 9pm. We also encourage youth to join us Sunday morning at 11am for 2nd service. 

This year, we welcome our students to B.O.O.T. Camp! Don't worry, there won't be any push-ups or drill sergeants. This weekend is all about "Building on Our Testimony" and meeting students where they are at. No matter where we are at in life or walk with Jesus, we always have a "next step" in our faith journey. We plan to help students learn about the testimony of Jesus, how to build our own testimony and take the next leap of faith (1 John 5:11-12). 

We encourage students to join us both days for guest speakers, break-out sessions, worship, games, food, and plenty more. If you have any questions regarding the event, please don't hesitate to contact our Youth Ministry Director, Rylan Earnhart, at rylan@thebridgeutah.org or (801) 390-6061. 

Register for free HERE.

*Important Registration Note: You must press "save" under an emergency contact to proceed with the registration. This button appears small on cell phones under the box.

Youth INvasion Schedule

Friday, March 21st from 5pm - 10pm

Saturday, March 22nd from 8am - 9pm

Sunday, March 23rd - Students are invited to the 2nd service youth activity/recap of the weekend!

B.O.O.T. Camp Promo Video

Here is a little video that our RESET youth team put together to hype up the event!